Ecamm Live Behind the Scenes of a Show with 6 Skype Guests
Month: April 2020
This is a behind the scenes look at a technical dry run of a fundraising campaign. I initially had 9 Skype callers on the 1st dry run because there were a few others involved with the planning. In this video, I go over some tips and tricks I learned with Ecamm Live. Overall, I’ve been super impressed with how well Ecamm Live works. I used to use Boinx MimoLive back in the day and it had an awesome title generator. If Ecamm can incorporate some of the titling, iPhone sharing, preview, and backstage functionality – while keeping it simple, this will just be the ultimate streaming software for Mac!
- This is the output of what they streamed
- Making A Difference
- Live streaming Software: Ecamm Live
- Ecamm Latency Documentation
- Latency video test
- My Camera
- My Lens
- My Capture Card
- My Light
- My Mic
- My Audio Interface
- Video Recorder
3 tips to ace your Skype interview
Make a great first impression, show your skills and rock your interview with great Skype features. Skype is consistently working on bringing us new features.
Schedule a call
Be prepared and schedule your call ahead of time. Show your organisational skills and relax knowing that everything is taken care of by Skype.
Blur your background
No need to find that perfect spot in your apartment to have a clean background. Simply turn on background blur and stop worrying about your surroundings.
HD video calling
Up your game with HD calls for clean audio and video. Experience the world's all-class video call experience.
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Measure and Adjust Microphone Latency in Ecamm Live
Month: April 2020
If you have a delay in your video, meaning, you hear your audio first before the video, then you are running into latency. No one wants to look like a badly dubbed Kung Fu movie. Here’s how to handle it with the audio preferences in Ecamm Live.
- Live streaming Software: Ecamm Live
- Ecamm Latency Documentation
- Latency video test
- My Camera
- My Lens
- My Capture Card
- My Light
- My Mic
- My Audio Interface
- Video Recorder
Audio-to-video synchronization (also known as lip sync, or by the lack of it: lip sync error, lip flap) refers to the relative timing of audio (sound) and video (image) parts during creation, post-production (mixing), transmission, reception and play-back processing. AV synchronization can be an issue in television, videoconferencing, or film.
In industry terminology the lip sync error is expressed as an amount of time the audio departs from perfect synchronization with the video where a positive time number indicates the audio leads the video and a negative number indicates the audio lags the video. This terminology and standardization of the numeric lip sync error is utilized in the professional broadcast industry as evidenced by the various professional papers,standards such as ITU-R BT.1359-1, and other references below.
Digital or analog audio video streams or video files usually contain some sort of synchronization mechanism, either in the form of interleaved video and audio data or by explicit relative timestamping of data. The processing of data must respect the relative data timing by e.g. stretching between or interpolation of received data. If the processing does not respect the AV-sync error, it will increase whenever data gets lost because of transmission errors or because of missing or mis-timed processing.
Why is there a delay on my live-stream?
This is a common question with people who are new to live streaming and to the participants of live streams and they wonder why there’s a 30 second delay when watching themselves on their favorite platform.
Live Streaming Latency
Even live TV has a delay. Most people never see it because they haven’t been on set of a TV studio. There is always a slight delay even with live TV because there is some processing of video before it hits the air. There’s even more delay online!
HDMI Latency
Technically it isn't an HDMI issue, some cameras just don't have the processing power for real-time video.
CPU Processing
Depending on your live-switcher. There is additional processing added to the signal to scale, add graphics, etc to the video that will be sent to your CDN (Content Delivery Nework).

Let's go over a few definitions you should be familiar with for streaming video.
Below are a few streaming terms that everyone should be familiar with even though it can be a little overwhelming. We’ve defined them so you can reference them.
What most people refer to as "delay" - it's the amount of time that happens in the “real world” and the display of that event on the viewer’s screen.
Before a video can play, a certain amount of pre-loading data must be downloaded to stream.
Content Delivery Network (CDN)
A distribution system on the Internet that accelerates the delivery of Web pages, audio, video, and other Internet-based content to users around the world.
Embedded Audio:
The audio signal is sent to the output source through the video signal. This workflow is recommended to avoid audio/video sync issues. For example, a microphone is plugged into a camera instead of the encoder.
the process of decoding an incoming media stream, changing one or more of its parameters (e.g. codec, video size, sampling rate, or encoder capabilities), and re-encoding it with the new parameter settings.
Video Distribution Service (VDS)
though a VDS can take many forms, it is essentially responsible for taking one or more incoming streams of video and audio (from a broadcaster) and presenting it to viewers. This includes what is commonly referred to as a Content Delivery Network.
Why Does Latency Happen?
It comes down to physics. Video has miles to cover between the camera and ultimately the screen of the viewing device. There is a series of technical steps to get it there. After video is captured, they are converted a few seconds at a time into a format that can be sent across the Internet.
That video has to be processed into different qualities so it can be viewed smoothly on different devices from a laptop to an iPhone. All those versions are sent across multiple servers around the country.

Video Capture
Whether you’re using a single camera or a sophisticated video mixing system, taking a live image and turning it into digital signals takes some time. At minimum, it will take at least the duration of a single captured video frame (1/30th of a second for a 30fps frame rate).
More advanced systems such as video mixers will introduce additional latency for decoding, processing, re-encoding, and re-transmitting. Your video capture and processing requirements will determine this value.
Minimum: about 33 milliseconds
Maximum: hundreds of milliseconds
Capture Card
When encoding in software (on a PC or Mac) or using a hardware encoder (Camlink or Magewell card), it takes time to convert the video signal into a compressed format suitable for transmission across the Internet. This latency can range from extremely low (thousandths of a second) to values closer to the duration of a video frame. Changing encoding parameters can lower this value at the expense of encoded video quality.
Minimum: about 1 millisecond
Maximum: about 40-50 milliseconds

Transmission to Facebook or YouTube Servers
The encoded video takes time to transmit over the Internet to a CDN. This latency is affected by the encoded media bitrate (lower bitrate usually means lower latency), the latency and bandwidth of the internet connection, and the proximity (over the Internet) to the CDN.
Minimum: about 5-10 milliseconds
Maximum: hundreds of milliseconds
Server Transcoding
Your viewers will be watching from many kinds of devices (PCs, Macs, tablets, phones, TVs, and set-top boxes) over many types of networks (LAN/WiFi, 5G LTE, 4G, etc.). In order to provide a quality viewing experience across a range of devices, a good streaming provider should provide an optimized stream.
There are two general ways to accomplish this: either the encoder streams multiple quality levels to the CDN (which are directly relayed to viewers), or the encoder sends a single high-quality stream to the CDN, which then transcodes and transrates it to multiple levels. Typically, the transcoding and transrating takes about as long as a “segment” of encoded video (more about segments later), but it can be faster at smaller resolutions and lower bitrates.
Minimum: about 1 second
Maximum: about 10 seconds

Why doesn't Zoom or Skype have a delay?
There’s a difference between”live conferencing” (FaceTime, Skype, Zoom) and “streaming” platforms like YouTube or Facebook Live. The biggest difference is how the content is consumed. Live streaming is typically one to many, vs conferencing is more two-way communication with limited participants.
The difference may seem trivial, but it is very important when the number of participants or viewers scales to a large number.
Collaboration requires specialized coding and computing services to reduce the delay between participants. These do not scale well to large numbers of participants. That is why there’s typically a limit to the amount of participants in conferencing software.
Transmission to your viewers
Each time you watch a live stream or video on demand, streaming protocols are used to deliver data over the internet. These can sit in the application, presentation, and session layers.
Online video delivery uses both streaming protocols and HTTP-based protocols. Streaming protocols like Real-Time Messaging Protocol (RTMP) enable speedy video delivery using dedicated streaming servers, whereas HTTP-based protocols rely on regular web servers to optimize the viewing experience and quickly scale. Finally, a handful of emerging HTTP-based technologies like the Common Media Application Format (CMAF) and Apple’s Low-Latency HLS seek to deliver the best of both options to support low-latency streaming at scale.

How can I reduce latency?
You can do a lot to reduce the latency of your live streams simply by changing encoder settings, internet service providers, or the type of connection.
Some attributes of your total latency may be within your control like bandwidth, encoding, or video format. Your encoder settings, the jitter buffer, the transcoding and transrating profiles, and segment duration can also be configurable. Keep in mind, however, that while a lower latency may sound desirable, it’s important to test these settings with great caution, as each choice may bring about other negative consequences.
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Using Animated Lower Thirds in Ecamm Live with SOUND!
Month: April 2020
There’s a few tutorials on how to make animated titles for Ecamm Live, but what about making an animated lower thirds with SOUND! You’ll need to use Apple Keynote (less expensive) or Final Cut Pro (more expensive), and Photoshop (optional) (You can actually import separate PNG elements from any graphics program)
- Live streaming Software: Ecamm Live
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In the television industry, a lower third is a graphic overlay placed in the title-safe lower area of the screen, though not necessarily the entire lower third of it, as the name suggests.
In its simplest form, a lower third can just be text overlying the video. Frequently this text is white with a drop shadow to make the words easier to read. A lower third can also contain graphical elements such as boxes, images or shading. Some lower thirds have animated backgrounds and text.
Lower thirds can be created using basic home-video editing software or professional-level equipment. This equipment makes use of video’s alpha channel to determine what parts of the graphic or text should be transparent, allowing the video in the background to show through.
Lower thirds are also often known as “CG” (from character generator) or captions, and sometimes chyrons in North America, due to the popularity of Chyron Corporation‘s Chiron I character generator, an early digital solution developed in the 1970s for rendering lower thirds.[2] Other common terms include superbars (or simply supers) (US), name straps and astons (after Aston Broadcast Systems) (UK).
Video with lower thirds is known as a program as broadcast or dirty. Video without lower thirds is known as a clean feed or textless. For international distribution programs often include textless elements on the master tape: these are all the shots that lower thirds and digital on-screen graphics have been applied to, placed end-to-end so engineers can make a clean master if necessary.
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How to make Animated Credits in Ecamm Live
Month: April 2020
In this video, I use Apple Keynote to create animated scrolling text credits for Ecamm Live.
- Live streaming Software: Ecamm Live
- My Camera
- My Lens
- My Capture Card
- My Light
Ecamm Live puts the power of Facebook Live, YouTube Live, Periscope, and Twitch video streaming at your fingertips.
Your New Broadcasting Studio
Everything’s here, including support for multiple cameras, Blackmagic HDMI capture devices, iPhone and Mac screensharing, and more. A live camera switcher lets you direct the show in real time.
Support for saved scenes means you can compose scenes in advance, complete with on-screen titles and split screens.
Advanced support for Elgato’s Stream Deck means fast access to scene switching, sound effects, and more.