Remote Live Stream – Zoom Interview
Zoom interviews don’t have to be boring visually! If you want to spice it up with TV-like graphics, you’ve come to the right place. I do have a background as a creative director and television and can bring that expertise to your production.
Livestream Setup
There’s no secret to what I do, I make tutorials on how you can bring this level of production in-house. I’ve been doing this for years and if you need a professional for a mission critical production, it’s best that you hire a professional.
All the gear I use is laid out in my tutorials on the right. Feel free to check them out!
ClientShow Face 2 FaceServicesRemote Live StreamingYear2020Link
Technical Director: Gary Cruz
Behind the scenes for the 2020 election coverage
Live TV is definitely a lot more demanding that just streaming to the Internet. What I was doing behind the scenes was seen by millions of people live on their TV and on their mobile devices.